About ASAP

ASAP stands for Association for Students of Applied Physics and it is the study association for the master Applied Physics at the Delft University of Technology. It is an association run by students of Applied Physics with the goal of serving the interests of the students of the master Applied Physics. ASAP was founded in 2019 as a sub-association of the Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP).

What does ASAP do for the students?

ASAP organises educational, social, and career-related events:

Educational: Skill development

ASAP aims to help students develop skills  which are relevant for their field of work. These can be both hard and soft skills. Trainings cover topics varying from programming in Python or LaTex to  working on planning skills. ASAP also organises a track market to help students orient which master track they want to focus on, a thesis info market, to help students choose where they want to do their thesis project and ASAP helps student get in touch with PhD’ers and Applied Physics alumni to help students find out what to do after their master. Also see the tab education under students to see what we do on the background to aid in education.

Social: Bonding between AP students
By organizing social activities, ASAP strives to help Applied Physics students connect with their fellow students,  These activities cover a broad range of topics, varying from the organization of interesting lunch lectures, study track orientation days, to informal drinks in the faculty bar. Among these activities are also the master introduction days, where students get familiar with the education and the faculty.

Career: Connect with Industry
By organizing lunch lectures, in-house days and the ASAP career day, ASAP lets student get in touch with companies they can work at. By doing this with as many sectors as possible, varying between consultancy, R&D and engineering students can make a well-considered choice for their first employment.

Become an ASAP member to participate in all the events organised by ASAP by sending an email to ASAP-TNW@tudelft.nl.

We follow the privacy policy of the VvTP which can be found at vvtp.tudelft.nl.